Last night was the night of emails. I sent out one lengthy letter to everyone, preparing them for the next phase of this psycho circus. It looks like Bleodsian will be ready soon, and Mommy's Gone Crazy is back on track. I have the second edition printed and ready for review. Keep your fingers crossed that it's an easy one!
I decided to hand the Gothic Angel photo to Lizzie. I want to see what she can do. She has my instructions, and I am anxious to behold her work. She has had little "air time" since the Witch House photo. I think this will be good, and I am excited about it. She has talent, and I want to see her exhibit that talent in the shoot.
Bleodsian is in the hands of the last Beta Reader; moment of truth. All who have reviewed it have spoken highly of it. The work is strong and solid, with a message that will gnaw at the psyche (or, at least that is the goal). So far, the reviews have not disappointed me. Look for the book soon.
Sometimes, I wonder why I do what I do? Do I seek glory from my works; financial security; freedom; or do I yearn for something more? I would like to think that, within me, there is a story to tell, a tale which must be heard. My works, they must have purpose, meaning; if they do not, then I have failed my audience, myself, and the ones who rely upon me to tell their sagas of woe and pain. I don't want to write a story that has no meaning. I do not want to write any cheap drama; what I create must be of my nature and of myself. It must be a part of me.
Thanks for reading...